Friday, October 8, 2010

Preschool update. : )

I also wanted to update you guys on how work is going. I love my job. I mean, what other job lets you play all day? Not only that, but every day my kids amaze me with what they can do. Because of their needs, my kids make gains very slowly. But let me tell you, we celebrate every single little milestone. We cheer like they just won an Oscar when they do something they've never done before. It's the most exciting event of our day when one of our girls is able to throw away her paper towel after washing her hands without tearing it into little tiny pieces, trying to eat it, and then running across the room flinging paper towel bits everywhere.

One of my boys started sorting things by color the other day. I was playing one of those magnetic fishing games with him and we were putting the colored fish on paper plates of the same color. I had tried getting him to sort colors another time and he just had no clue, so I just figured I'd try and build it into play to help him understand how to do it. I did a few with him, then I walked away to get something. When I came back, I looked down and the orange fish was on the orange plate. I looked at my aide and said "He put the orange fish on the orange plate!" It was extremely exciting. It's just amazing to see these kids who have all odds against them do the most amazing things. Things that 30 years ago they may not even have been encouraged to do. They teach me something new every day, and I am always humbled by their ability to overcome the hurdles that nature has thrown at them. They're amazing. And I love them.

One of my kids fell in the hallway yesterday when she was walking with her aide and she cut her chin open really badly. She ended up having to go to the hospital and get 3 stitches in her chin. Needless to say, I felt horrible (even though I wasn't even there at the time) and I know the aide did as well. I have such a sense of responsibility for these kids to not only be their teacher but their advocate and their cheerleader (which I do pretty well, I must say). I just wish I could show you all pictures of them, because on top of being amazing they are also adorable. But I'll have to settle for anecdotes and descriptions of the wonderful and often hilarious things they do.

Our new bulletin board for fire safety week. : )

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